Cita-Cita Saya, Story Fest 2012



Venue : PJ Live Arts, PJLA, Petaling Jaya
Date : 17 March 2012 : 8.30pm
Admission :  Early bird RM40 | At the door RM45 | LIVE Card members RM35.

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Description : Featuring:
AMIR HAFIZI (@amirhimself) wanted to be many things. He had many ambitions. Banyak cita-cita. Nowadays, he just wants to retire.
BERNICE CHAULY (@mulutmata) is a writer, photographer, filmmaker, actor, teacher, word and art-maker, mother and wannabe philosopher.
ZAINAH ANWAR, Sisters In Islam co-founder, knows her ideas displease some people. It’s okay. Pleasing people is not her ambition.
JEROME KUGAN (@jeromekugan) had ambitions to ditch Malaysia and be a world citizen. But alas, he learned to love the country that doesn't love him back.
LIYANA DIZZY (@liy) turns a quarter of a century old this year & is well on her way to becoming the crazy cat lady her mother raised her to be.
Nama saya ZEDECK SIEW (@zedecksiew). Cita-cita pertama saya ialah juruterbang. Cita-cita kedua saya ialah arkeologis. Cita-cita ketiga saya ialah saintis.

"Sometimes, it seems like Malaysia is still stuck in primary school. So Story Fest 2012 has invited Malaysian writers and performers to revisit the primary school essay titles that inspired them to write. And see how our teachers tried to sharpen our collective pencils with approved aspirations. Now with more ironic, more jaded, more worldly worldviews, perhaps we can channel, challenge or chuck aside those aspirations and simply celebrate different ways of growing up AWESOME".

“There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.” —Ursula K. LeGuin

Stories are told in English & Malay and may contain mature themes.

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