Saya Sebatang Pensel, Story Fest 2012



Venue : PJ Live Arts, PJLA, Petaling Jaya
Date : 18 March 2012 : 8.30pm
Admission :  Early bird RM40 | At the door RM45 | LIVE Card members RM35.

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Description : Featuring:
DINA ZAMAN (@dinazaman) has written for 18 years and her first karangan was titled Saya Sebatang Pensel. Today, she is Seorang Penulis.
ELZA IRDALYNNA (@elzairdalynna) feels that an actor is like a pencil; always another's story, never her own. Behold the pencil's revenge.
FAHMI FADZIL (@fahmi_fadzil) is a writer, performer, and political activist. When he can, he uses a pensel to write. Otherwise, he'll tweet at @fahmi_fadzil
SHARON BAKAR (@sharonbakar) is British but has proven her assimilation into Malaysian culture by fully embracing the durian. Ouch.
SYAHREDZAN JOHAN (@syahredzan) is a lawyer. But once in a while, he wishes he were an inanimate object. Especially when dealing with difficult clients.
UTHAYA SANKAR SB (@uthayasb) menulis menggunakan pensel sebelum mampu memiliki pen, mesin taip, komputer dan telefon bimbit. Beliau masih aktif menulis.

"Sometimes, it seems like Malaysia is still stuck in primary school. So Story Fest 2012 has invited Malaysian writers and performers to revisit the primary school essay titles that inspired them to write. And see how our teachers tried to sharpen our collective pencils with approved aspirations. Now with more ironic, more jaded, more worldly worldviews, perhaps we can channel, challenge or chuck aside those aspirations and simply celebrate different ways of growing up AWESOME".

“There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.” —Ursula K. LeGuin

Stories are told in English & Malay and may contain mature themes.

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