This Life - The Awakening of the Corporeal Body


 & Kuala Lumpur
  • Venue : Istana Budaya
  • Date : 13 January 2013 : 10.30am & 12.30pm
  • Admission :  RM83


About : At the end of 2010, Professor Jiang Xun was rushed to hospital and admitted to the ICU because of myocardial infarction. His condition improved after a few days; since then, life has got back on track. And yet, the short-lived life-threatening experience has grown into a profound life-change revelation, whereby he has ventured deeper and deeper into the meaning of ‘life’, ‘death’ and ‘flesh’.

In ‘This Life──The Awakening of the Corporeal Body’, Part 1, Professor Jiang sets off with a review of the art of ancient Egypt, the Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, India, Christianity and China to explore the aesthetics of the flesh in ancient civilizations.

In ‘This Life──The Awakening of the Corporeal Body’, Part 2, Professor Jiang looks to the life of Buddha based on the translation by Northern Liang’s Dharmaraksha of ‘Suvar aprabhāsasutra’, and the murals at Dunhuang’s Mogao Grottoes. He shares his view on the ‘awakening’ of the human flesh, and the ideas of ‘sacrificing one’s belongings’ and ‘sacrificing one’s life’, before embarking on his insight into the critical moment when one is caught on the cusp of life and death.

The book is a treasure trove of images of art from ancient civilization, cave murals and photographs. Words work hand in hand with images to launch readers into a journey transcending time and space, bringing readers all the way back to the beginning of human civilization. While encouraging an appreciation of the beautiful works of art through the ages, the book induces a serious reflection on life.

If past experience is anything to go by, audiences in Malaysia can look forward to a gripping experience punctuated by astounding, delightful and touching accounts of the esteemed speaker. It will be a 2-hour deepest-most encounter of Beauty and Life for the memory of a lifetime. Christine Chow Mei-ching, wife of the Taiwanese President, was noticeably moved by one of Jiang’s presentations, embracing him in an emotional greeting; silver screen legend Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia was heard saying Jiang was her only idol.

** The talk will be conducted in Mandarin



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