Native Deen, My Faith My Voice, Malaysia Showcase

Native Deen, My Faith My Voice, Malaysia Showcase


Venue : Cultural Activity Centre International Islamic University Malaysia
Date : 25 February 2012 : 8pm - 10pm
Admission : RM55, RM75 & RM107

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Description : The story of Native Deen is an inspiring one that began with three Muslim youth possessing unique talents and a passion to spread the uplifting message of Islam. Originally solo artists and active participants of their communities searching for creative ways to educate and   inspire Muslim youth, today Native Deen has become a fusion of  Hip-hop and R&B flavors, thrilling fans with their eclectic and unique combinations of lyrics, rhythms and sounds.The trio made up of Joshua Salaam, Abdul-Malik Ahmad and Naeem Muhammad came together in 2000 and has embarked upon aprofessional career in the music industry together in order to highlight issues confronting Muslims living in America.The group has played to rave reviews throughout North America as well as Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.Together, they have played some of the world’s most distinguished auditoriums and performed alongside artists such as Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens), Sami Yusuf, Zain Bhika, Raihan, Dawud Wharnsby, Seven8Six, Outlandish and much more.

Native Deen has performed in over 60 cities around the world inspiring Muslims and non-Muslims alike and are ranked as one of the Top Five bands in its genre on MySpace..Native Deen’s music has provided a cultural bridge by presenting Islam in a positive light to Western audiences and promoting tolerance in Muslim countries by demonstrating that there are devout, practicing Muslims in Western countries. In 2006 the group won the  Mahabba Award in Dubai at an Artists’ event Showcasing musicians, artists and filmmakers inspired to spread Islam through their art. Now with their second album out, the trio has reached a new height in their career.

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